Friday, September 2, 2011

Roast Your Vegetables For Even More Sweetness

While in the midst of a bountiful harvest the choices are endless to make a hardy meal of roasted vegetables. Roasting them bring out all their natural sweetness that makes them irresistible. After you have your vegetables roasted there are a variety ways you can chose to serve them.

First start with I start with the root vegetables like onions, garlic, carrots and parsnips. Next I like to include tomatoes, eggplant, broccoli, summer squash (green or yellow), and bell peppers, hot one if you like. Finally I add some fresh herbs, rosemary, thyme, and basil. Just include any vegetables and herbs that you and your family enjoy, maybe even an apple. Spread out on a baking pan and coat lightly with olive oil and season with sea salt and pepper. Bake uncovered for an hour at 350°.

Serve them as a side dish that will disappear instantly.

Blend in a blender until smooth for a sauce that can be served over rice or potatoes.

Serve over brown or black rice with the roasted vegetable sauce with some hearty bread as a main dish.

As a roasted vegetable soup blend until smooth adding some vegetable stock or water to thin to your desired thickness.

Enjoy the harvest
Enjoy your food
Enjoy your life

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