Monday, April 26, 2010


Who doesn’t love Blueberries? And they are so good for you being a great source of vitamin C and K plus manganese and loads of fiber. They do have a high sugar content but the fiber content off-sets that. Since I was 15 I had an unlimited source of blueberries, my family had moved to a house that had many blueberry bushes plus many other yummy fruits and berries. Even when I moved away from home I could always go back and get my fill, my mom froze what could not be eaten in the summer so the supply was year round. When my parents were planing to downsize and move we all feared the lack of blueberries, the thought of buying them was foreign. So I decided to proactive and went out and bought three bushes for my yard, planted them in a not so sunny spot and only got a handful of berries. Last fall I decided to move the plants to a sunnier place and now they are loaded with flowers. I was afraid that they would not produce after being moved but they seem well adjusted and happy. I know that they like an acid soil and since I do not have a pine tree near them I collect pine needles from the trees across the street to help nourish them.

Eating blueberries as a teen I preferred them by the bowl- full but now I also love to add them to pancakes, tarts and sauces. I never make blueberries pies because my mom makes the best and mine could never compete.

If you love blueberries try growing your own, they really are low maintenance and in a few years you will be rewarded deliciously.

1 comment:

  1. thanks to my son Andrew I now have another Blueberry bush! Yay!
