Thursday, April 8, 2010

Don’t Kill the Dandelions!

Have you noticed that the little yellow flowers, known to many as pesty weeds, are just starting to show themselves? This year try to look at dandelions in a different light. Just as many are doing spring cleaning in their homes dandelions can do the same for our bodies. Dandelions are in the category known as bitters because yes, they are bitter to taste but fats and toxins in our bodies do not like that bitterness also and are cleaned out of our blood. Our liver, kidneys, and skin are the bodies major cleaning tools and dandelions help to sharpen those tools and make them work more efficiently. Through-out history all the parts, leaf, flower, and root of the dandelion have been used for medicinal purposes for everything from a spring tonic to jaundice to liver and kidney disorders.

Dandelions also happen to be loaded with vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B6 and minerals calcium, iron, potassium, and manganese. The only thing not perfect about this plant is its taste, but with some thought you can eat it without even knowing it. I like the leaves and flowers best in a salad, a little dressing and you will never notice the leaves. The flowers do stand-out but they look nice too as do many other edible flowers I use through-out the summer. Steaming the leaves or adding them into soups, casseroles, or mixing them with other green vegetables is a great way to enjoy the super food. A tea or coffee can be made from the roots. Dandelions can be bought at many produce stores when in season but I prefer to let them grow in my back yard or vegetable garden, some people think I just don’t like to “weed” my garden but they are food to me and now I they are also food for you!

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