Wednesday, March 24, 2010


The word vegetarian has many meanings to many different people. For many a Vegetarian follows a diet that excludes all animal meat and its byproducts. The truth is that there are many variations to this diet.

The ovo-vegetarian includes eggs in their diet

The lacto-vegetarian includes dairy in their diet

The lacto-ovo-vegetarian includes dairy and eggs

The vegan eats only foods from plant sources

Then there are semi-vegetarians, who sometime include poultry and fish in their diet.

Just because someone chooses to exclude animal products does not mean that they have a healthy diet. I have encountered many junk-food vegetarians who just replaced the meat with processed, sugary, fried foods.

Today I find that many people are trying to distance themselves from that word altogether. As the trend grows to eat less meat for better health and for the health of the planet many are also choosing whole foods over the junk for the same reason. May we all make choices that lead to a healthier lifestyle.

1 comment:

  1. So, I've encountered an interesting trend here: people put pepper (common table variety) on their pizza- like, a solid layer. We're all getting the message that too much salt is BAD, and it's all right for a little seasoning, but don't clump it on to every dish. What about salt's less popular table top condiment?
