Mulberries one of the lesser known edible berries but just as powerful as the popular blueberry, black and red raspberry. In-fact many consider this berry to be a nuisance because of the dark purple stains it leaves behind after it ripens and falls to the ground. As a kid growing up I had weeks of purple hands and feet; (I did not like waring shoes in the warm weather) and purple tongue. My brothers and I couldn't get enough of this juicy berry. Now the only accessible place I know where the Mulberries grow are in the parking lot of my work. I take a container to work and before I leave to come home I spend about 10 - 15 minutes to get a heaping quart of berries to share with my family. Often co-workers will question me about what I am doing not know anything about these delectable berries.
The facts are mulberries are full of vitamins B, C, K and minerals iron, magnesium and potassium.They are also a good source of fiber and resveratol the antioxidant that is also found in red grapes which boost of many health benefits.
So what do you do with a mulberry? My personal favorite is to eat them right off the tree, I probably eat as many as I put into the container.
But there are so many other ways to enjoy a mulberry like blended into a
smoothie, baked into a pie or cobbler, cooked down into jam or made
into a sweet mulberry wine.
No-matter what way you eat your mulberries do eat some they are truly worth the purple fingers to get some these amazing berries!