Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What does it mean to be "Green?"

I recently read a study the concluded that most people are not as "green" as they want other to know, basically that many people are faking being green. What does it really mean to be "green?" It is a very loose term and there is no real green standard or check list that says you are "green" if you do all of this and none of this. But there is a political correctness to being green so many just put on their green face in public but say screw it in reality because living up to some phantom green standard they feel is impossible.

There are those who want to scare you into being environmentally conscience by saying we will kill planet earth and have no where to live if we don't fix it right away. Now I do realize the environment is a mess but mother earth will take us out long before she is going down. Most societies around the globe have opted for convenience over sustainability but every thing waxes and wanes in time. So we tried it one way now it is time to try it another way.

Whenever we choose to make a change in our life it is always more successful if we do it in small increments. First we need to decide on a green step that we will be able to see the benefit personally, like choosing to eat less animal products or buying locally. Your health will improve as well as the plants. Or using less water and turning off lights will lower utility bills while conserving natural resources. Soon adding more "green" choices into each day will become natural as we all get healthier then the term "green" will fade away and we will all be living a responsible lifestyle.